
What is true love and how can I achieve it

When what I know is different

Should I die for you to prove it

Or feign ignorance during your last moment

Shall I subjugate myself to torment

And experience a passionate torrent

Or continue to lament

On why it is foreign


I have been watching you

I’ve witnessed you wither from your job

I’ve seen you hither towards a life of rot

Was it worth it that much

Was the pot really a lot

Now look at what you have done

Behold a creature transformed by your words

Haunting your every night

It’s presence always nigh

I bid you goodnight

Fight Or Flight

I am tiring waiting for you to make the threat true

I no longer desire to wring my hands in rue

Indeed I have been stalked

Your footsteps following me wherever I walk

Yet alas I still have my luck

I refuse to remain the prey you sought

Someone young and defenseless you thought

I may not have a gun but it will be you that is shot

This life that I treasure is too precious for me to give up


What does it mean to be one step from death

Ever since the threat I have been restless

The thought of you coming near makes my heart tremble in fear

The fact that you are still out there

I dare not imagine how I would fare

Are you lying in wait waiting for your prey

Creeping and stalking until it is my day

Or have you moved on in life

Forgetting about the girl who still anticipates

Wondering when you will come seal her fate


To be humble is to not exaggerate

A lady must always know what to say or think

To be kind is a fair trait

A lady must love her neighbor even if she is met with hate

The lady is quite discreet

She often wears her makeup on her sleeves

Her purity is never within reach

Her tact always unleashed


Some days are great

Others are okay

A few are mild

Too boring to even be considered wild

My emotions go up and down

I feel like I could drown

I’m in a dark bubble for a few days

Everything meaningful becomes plain

Then eventually the cloud goes away

And I begin to feel the sun rays

Life is great

But am I sane?

Ne pas être

Comment une personne peut etre douce comme miel et jolie comme le ciel

Comment cette personne peut avoir une pouvoir sur moi où ça s’explique pas

Si ce que je ressens est une obsession, j’accepte avec plaisir

Car même si je ne peux pa tavoir

Je vais garder cette peine et cette douleur au fond de ma coeur

Et vivre comme le mort


If anyone were to ask me want I from you

The only word I’d say is devotion

For even if you were to love me less than the first day

Your mere devotion towards me would ultimately make you stay

I do not want just your love

I want your fealty and then some

I do not want only your respect

I want to feel your passion and lust

After the supreme being

I expect every fiber of your being to belong to me and nothing less

For what is the point of our relationship

If total satisfaction is absent

To Be

Imagine being one with the stars

One with the universe and beyond

I look above and I look below

Yet all I see is a grand hallow

The whispers come and go

Through my mind of a window

I leave the window slightly ajar

So that I may hear the stories from afar

I open my mouth to speak

Yet all I utter is a squeak

My existence could be that of a tree

Connected to all that is underneath

I live then I die then repeat

Born once again as a seed